fixed some typos in the help screen
I have removed some semicolons in the help screen
and that's consistent now
committer: Markus Bröker <>
--- a/src/parse.c
+++ b/src/parse.c
@@ -32,20 +32,20 @@
char *COMMAND_LIST[] = {
"help Known Commands: join(1), leave(2), add(3), replace(4), delete(5), list(6), search(7), info(8)\r\n",
- "join: Joins a new channel\r\n",
- "leave: Parts from the current channel\r\n",
- "add: adds an entry\r\n",
- "replace: replaces an entry\r\n",
- "delete: deletes an entry\r\n",
- "list: lists the number of stored values\r\n",
- "search: searches an entry up\r\n",
- "info: Prints the current Bot-Version\r\n",
- "ping: pings an host\r\n",
- "on: enables autolearning mode\r\n",
- "off: disables autolearning\r\n",
- "debug: prints some debug infos\r\n",
- "vaccuum: reorganizes the database\r\n",
- "logout: Protected logout function\r\n",
+ "join Joins a new channel\r\n",
+ "leave Parts from the current channel\r\n",
+ "add adds an entry\r\n",
+ "replace replaces an entry\r\n",
+ "delete deletes an entry\r\n",
+ "list lists the number of stored values\r\n",
+ "search searches an entry up\r\n",
+ "info Prints the current Bot-Version\r\n",
+ "ping pings an host\r\n",
+ "on enables autolearning mode\r\n",
+ "off disables autolearning\r\n",
+ "debug prints some debug infos\r\n",
+ "vaccuum reorganizes the database\r\n",
+ "logout Protected logout function\r\n",