Markus Bröker <> [Tue, 02 Feb 2010 12:50:52 +0100] rev 40
Topic command added
The bot can change the topic on the fly right now
committer: Markus Bröker <>
Markus Bröker <> [Sat, 30 May 2009 21:58:25 +0200] rev 39
fixed some typos in the help screen
I have removed some semicolons in the help screen
and that's consistent now
committer: Markus Bröker <>
Markus Bröker <> [Sat, 30 May 2009 21:56:21 +0200] rev 38
enumerated types for parse.c
The irc section gets an enumerated type for constant values.
This makes the code more readable and less error prone.
committer: Markus Bröker <>
Markus Bröker <> [Thu, 28 May 2009 14:08:48 +0200] rev 37
enumerated types for irc.c
The irc section gets an enumerated type for constant values.
This makes the code more readable and less error prone.
committer: Markus Bröker <>