ChangeLog mcbot-0.95-1
* current_channel changed from pointer type to char [41]
* many constants added in parse.c and irc.c
* codebase reduced
committer: Markus Bröker <>
mcbot (0.95-0) unstable; urgency=low * Initial Release * the location of mcbot.cgi is stored in the db * never include malloc, use stdlib instead * and mcbot.user holds the admin information * Locale Settings changed to C * freenode connect fix * stream handling for freebsd * Debian Policy: Assume everything is working and start the service via default * irc_login connects now to the proper ( server * privmsgs will be send to the proper location... * A simple garbage collector fills the memory leaks... * compat.c added for XOPEN_SOURCE features - not finished yet * SOURCE_URL points to the proper git-location. * many small improvements, reduced codebase -- Markus Broeker <> Mon, 11 Aug 2008 00:00:54 +0200