ChangeLog mcbot-0.95-1
* current_channel changed from pointer type to char [41]
* many constants added in parse.c and irc.c
* codebase reduced
committer: Markus Bröker <>
MCBOT INSTALLATION------------------STEP 1) REGISTER YOUR BOT TO AN IRC SERVER EDIT /var/lib/nobody/.mcbotrc STEP 2) FIX PERMISSIONS AND HIDE YOUR REGISTRATION DATA chown -R nobody:nogroup /var/lib/nobody chmod 775 /var/lib/nobody chmod 600 /var/lib/nobody/.mcbotrcSTEP 3) /etc/init.d/mcbot startSTEP 4) dbtool -a -k mcbot.cgi -v dbtool -a -k mcbot.user -v <admin nick> # mbroeker dbtool -a -k -v <admin-hostmask> # pppool.deSTEP 5) Check your locale settings in /etc/init.d/mcbot LANGUAGE="de_DE.UTF-8" or LANGUAGE="en_US.UTF-8" for example