enumerated types for irc.c
The irc section gets an enumerated type for constant values.
This makes the code more readable and less error prone.
committer: Markus Bröker <mbroeker@largo.homelinux.org>
* $Id: irc.h 51 2008-01-10 00:19:39Z mbroeker $
* $URL: http://localhost/svn/c/mcbot/trunk/include/irc.h $
#ifndef IRC_H
#define IRC_H
#define IRC_LOGIN_ERROR -51
struct Message {
FILE *stream;
char *nick;
char *user;
char *email;
char *command;
char *channel;
char *line;
char current_channel[41];
typedef struct Message MSG;
FILE *irc_connect (char *, unsigned int);
int irc_login (FILE *, char *, char *, char *);
char *irc_parsemessage (const char *, MSG *);