postgresql_db: check connection status
During startup, check for a successfull connection to the db
committer: Markus Bröker <>
/** * pmc/ * Copyright (C) 2008 Markus Broeker */#include <rectangle.hpp>#include <cstdio>using namespace algebra;Rectangle::Rectangle (Surface * s){ surface = s; name = "Rectangle"; anker = Vector (0, 0); P[0] = new Vector (0, 0); P[1] = new Vector (0, 100); P[2] = new Vector (100, 100); P[3] = new Vector (0, 100); refCounter++;}Rectangle::Rectangle (Surface * s, Vector & p1, Vector & p2, Vector & p3, Vector & p4){ surface = s; name = "Rectangle"; anker = Vector (0, 0); P[0] = new Vector (p1); P[1] = new Vector (p2); P[2] = new Vector (p3); P[3] = new Vector (p4); refCounter++;}Rectangle::Rectangle (Surface * s, Vector p[4]){ surface = s; name = "Rectangle"; anker = Vector (0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { P[i] = new Vector (p[i]); } refCounter++;}Rectangle::Rectangle (const Rectangle & copy){ fprintf (stderr, "Copy Constructor in Rectangle disabled...\n");}Rectangle::~Rectangle (){ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {#ifdef DEBUG fprintf (stderr, "Removing P[%d]: ", i);#endif delete P[i]; }}void Rectangle::move (Vector location){ if ((anker.X () + location.X ()) < 0) return; if ((anker.Y () + location.Y ()) < 0) return; if ((anker.X () + location.X ()) > surface->getWidth ()) return; if ((anker.Y () + location.Y ()) > surface->getHeight ()) return; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { *P[i] = *P[i] + location; } anker = Vector (P[0]->X (), P[0]->Y ());}void Rectangle::show (){ int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { fprintf (stderr, "[%d] ", i); P[i]->vector (); if ((i + 1) % 4 != 0) fprintf (stderr, ", "); else fprintf (stderr, "\n"); } surface->drawLine (P[0]->X (), P[0]->Y (), P[1]->X (), P[1]->Y ()); surface->drawLine (P[3]->X (), P[3]->Y (), P[2]->X (), P[2]->Y ()); surface->drawLine (P[2]->X (), P[2]->Y (), P[1]->X (), P[1]->Y ()); surface->drawLine (P[3]->X (), P[3]->Y (), P[0]->X (), P[0]->Y ());}