postgresql_db: check connection status
During startup, check for a successfull connection to the db
committer: Markus Bröker <>
;; test/demos/asm/get_sp.asm
;; Copyright (C) 2008 Markus Broeker
%include "asm/"
segment .data
label1 db "NASM Powered...", 10, 0
reg_format db "EAX=%08x EBX=%08x ECX=%08x EDX=%08x", 10, 0
st_format db "EBP=%08x ESP=%08x ESI=%08x EDI=%08x", 10, 10, 0
trace_fmt db "[EBP-20] = %08x", 10, \
"[EBP-16] = %08x", 10, "[EBP-12] = %08x", 10, \
"[EBP- 8] = %08x", 10, "[EBP- 4] = %08x", 10, \
"[EBP+ 0] = %08x", 10, "[EBP+ 4] = %08x", 10, \
"[EBP+ 8] = %08x", 10, "[EBP+12] = %08x", 10, \
"[EBP+16] = %08x", 10, "[EBP+20] = %08x", 10, 10, 0
segment .bss
savexp resd 1 ;; uninitialized dword value
;; currently not used
segment .text
global get_sp
enter 4,0 ;; push ebp ;; Save Base-Pointer
;; mov ebp, esp ;; Copy Stackpointer for !!local usage!!
;; sub esp, 4 ;; Make room for 1 DWORD
mov [ebp-4], esp ;; Store result in !! local variable !!
push DWORD label1
call printf
add esp, byte 4 ;; remove label1 from stack
call stack_trace
call reg_info
call stack_info
call reg_info
call stack_info
call stack_trace
;; clean up
mov eax, [ebp-4] ;; return local var
leave ;; mov esp, ebp pop ebp
ret ;; return eax