GNU Indent cannot handle C++ Source Files...
I like GNU indent. I like it so much that i use it for all my projects.
But it doesn't work with C++ sources. To avoid further problems, all C++
Headers will be renamed from *.h to their *.hpp counterparts.
committer: Markus Bröker <>
/** * db_bridge/mysql_db.cpp * Copyright 2008 (C) Markus Broeker */#include <cstdlib>#include <mysql_db.hpp>#include <console.hpp>MySQL_DB::MySQL_DB (std::string srv, std::string usr, std::string pwd, std::string db){ server = (srv != "") ? srv : "localhost"; user = (usr != "") ? usr : getenv ("USER"); password = pwd; database = db; conn = mysql_init (NULL); if (pwd == "") { std::cout << "Passwort von " << user << "@" << server << ": "; Console::getpass (password); }}MySQL_DB::~MySQL_DB (){ if (conn != NULL) { mysql_close (conn); std::cerr << "Datenbank wird geschlossen" << std::endl; }}bool MySQL_DB::connect (){ std::cerr << "Verbindungsparameter:" << " host=" << server << " user=" << user << " password=" << password << " database=" << database << std::endl; if (!mysql_real_connect (conn, server.c_str (), user.c_str (), password.c_str (), database.c_str (), 0, NULL, 0)) { std::cerr << server << ": " << mysql_error (conn) << std::endl; return false; } return true;}Abstract_DB::DB_RESULT MySQL_DB::query (std::string sql_string){ Abstract_DB::DB_ROW vec; Abstract_DB::DB_RESULT rows; MYSQL_ROW row; int i = 0; /* * send SQL query */ if (mysql_query (conn, sql_string.c_str ())) { std::cerr << server << ": " << mysql_error (conn) << std::endl; return rows; } res = mysql_use_result (conn); /* * push everything into a vector< vector<string> > */ while ((row = mysql_fetch_row (res)) != NULL) { i = 0; while (row[i] != NULL) { vec.push_back (row[i++]); } rows.push_back (vec); vec.clear (); } std::cerr << "Die Abfrage hat " << i << " Spalte(n) und " << rows.size () << " Reihe(n)." << std::endl; if (res != NULL) { mysql_free_result (res); } return rows;}