Überarbeitete MVC-Struktur, die ich jetzt auch nachvollziehen kann.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* @package log4php
* Converts ini configuration files to a PHP array.
* These used to be called "properties" files (inherited from log4j), and that
* file extension is still supported.
* @package log4php
* @subpackage configurators
* @license http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Apache License, Version 2.0
* @version $Revision: 1343601 $
* @since 2.2
class LoggerConfigurationAdapterINI implements LoggerConfigurationAdapter {
/** Name to assign to the root logger. */
const ROOT_LOGGER_NAME = "root";
/** Prefix used for defining logger additivity. */
const ADDITIVITY_PREFIX = "log4php.additivity.";
/** Prefix used for defining logger threshold. */
const THRESHOLD_PREFIX = "log4php.threshold";
/** Prefix used for defining the root logger. */
const ROOT_LOGGER_PREFIX = "log4php.rootLogger";
/** Prefix used for defining a logger. */
const LOGGER_PREFIX = "log4php.logger.";
/** Prefix used for defining an appender. */
const APPENDER_PREFIX = "log4php.appender.";
/** Prefix used for defining a renderer. */
const RENDERER_PREFIX = "log4php.renderer.";
/** Holds the configuration. */
private $config = array();
* Loads and parses the INI configuration file.
* @param string $url Path to the config file.
* @throws LoggerException
private function load($url) {
if (!file_exists($url)) {
throw new LoggerException("File [$url] does not exist.");
$properties = @parse_ini_file($url, true);
if ($properties === false) {
$error = error_get_last();
throw new LoggerException("Error parsing configuration file: {$error['message']}");
return $properties;
* Converts the provided INI configuration file to a PHP array config.
* @param string $path Path to the config file.
* @throws LoggerException If the file cannot be loaded or parsed.
public function convert($path) {
// Load the configuration
$properties = $this->load($path);
// Parse threshold
if (isset($properties[self::THRESHOLD_PREFIX])) {
$this->config['threshold'] = $properties[self::THRESHOLD_PREFIX];
// Parse root logger
if (isset($properties[self::ROOT_LOGGER_PREFIX])) {
$this->parseLogger($properties[self::ROOT_LOGGER_PREFIX], self::ROOT_LOGGER_NAME);
$appenders = array();
foreach ($properties as $key => $value) {
// Parse loggers
if ($this->beginsWith($key, self::LOGGER_PREFIX)) {
$name = substr($key, strlen(self::LOGGER_PREFIX));
$this->parseLogger($value, $name);
// Parse additivity
if ($this->beginsWith($key, self::ADDITIVITY_PREFIX)) {
$name = substr($key, strlen(self::ADDITIVITY_PREFIX));
$this->config['loggers'][$name]['additivity'] = $value;
} // Parse appenders
else if ($this->beginsWith($key, self::APPENDER_PREFIX)) {
$this->parseAppender($key, $value);
} // Parse renderers
else if ($this->beginsWith($key, self::RENDERER_PREFIX)) {
$this->parseRenderer($key, $value);
return $this->config;
* Parses a logger definition.
* Loggers are defined in the following manner:
* <pre>
* log4php.logger.<name> = [<level>], [<appender-ref>, <appender-ref>, ...]
* </pre>
* @param string $value The configuration value (level and appender-refs).
* @param string $name Logger name.
private function parseLogger($value, $name) {
// Value is divided by commas
$parts = explode(',', $value);
if (empty($value) || empty($parts)) {
// The first value is the logger level
$level = array_shift($parts);
// The remaining values are appender references
$appenders = array();
while ($appender = array_shift($parts)) {
$appender = trim($appender);
if (!empty($appender)) {
$appenders[] = trim($appender);
// Find the target configuration
if ($name == self::ROOT_LOGGER_NAME) {
$this->config['rootLogger']['level'] = trim($level);
$this->config['rootLogger']['appenders'] = $appenders;
} else {
$this->config['loggers'][$name]['level'] = trim($level);
$this->config['loggers'][$name]['appenders'] = $appenders;
* Parses an configuration line pertaining to an appender.
* Parses the following patterns:
* Appender class:
* <pre>
* log4php.appender.<name> = <class>
* </pre>
* Appender parameter:
* <pre>
* log4php.appender.<name>.<param> = <value>
* </pre>
* Appender threshold:
* <pre>
* log4php.appender.<name>.threshold = <level>
* </pre>
* Appender layout:
* <pre>
* log4php.appender.<name>.layout = <layoutClass>
* </pre>
* Layout parameter:
* <pre>
* log4php.appender.<name>.layout.<param> = <value>
* </pre>
* For example, a full appender config might look like:
* <pre>
* log4php.appender.myAppender = LoggerAppenderConsole
* log4php.appender.myAppender.threshold = info
* log4php.appender.myAppender.target = stdout
* log4php.appender.myAppender.layout = LoggerLayoutPattern
* log4php.appender.myAppender.layout.conversionPattern = "%d %c: %m%n"
* </pre>
* After parsing all these options, the following configuration can be
* found under $this->config['appenders']['myAppender']:
* <pre>
* array(
* 'class' => LoggerAppenderConsole,
* 'threshold' => info,
* 'params' => array(
* 'target' => 'stdout'
* ),
* 'layout' => array(
* 'class' => 'LoggerAppenderConsole',
* 'params' => array(
* 'conversionPattern' => '%d %c: %m%n'
* )
* )
* )
* </pre>
* @param string $key
* @param string $value
private function parseAppender($key, $value) {
// Remove the appender prefix from key
$subKey = substr($key, strlen(self::APPENDER_PREFIX));
// Divide the string by dots
$parts = explode('.', $subKey);
$count = count($parts);
// The first part is always the appender name
$name = trim($parts[0]);
// Only one part - this line defines the appender class
if ($count == 1) {
$this->config['appenders'][$name]['class'] = $value;
} // Two parts - either a parameter, a threshold or layout class
else if ($count == 2) {
if ($parts[1] == 'layout') {
$this->config['appenders'][$name]['layout']['class'] = $value;
} else if ($parts[1] == 'threshold') {
$this->config['appenders'][$name]['threshold'] = $value;
} else {
$this->config['appenders'][$name]['params'][$parts[1]] = $value;
} // Three parts - this can only be a layout parameter
else if ($count == 3) {
if ($parts[1] == 'layout') {
$this->config['appenders'][$name]['layout']['params'][$parts[2]] = $value;
trigger_error("log4php: Don't know how to parse the following line: \"$key = $value\". Skipping.");
* Parses a renderer definition.
* Renderers are defined as:
* <pre>
* log4php.renderer.<renderedClass> = <renderingClass>
* </pre>
* @param string $key log4php.renderer.<renderedClass>
* @param string $value <renderingClass>
private function parseRenderer($key, $value) {
// Remove the appender prefix from key
$renderedClass = substr($key, strlen(self::APPENDER_PREFIX));
$renderingClass = $value;
$this->config['renderers'][] = compact('renderedClass', 'renderingClass');
/** Helper method. Returns true if $str begins with $sub. */
private function beginsWith($str, $sub) {
return (strncmp($str, $sub, strlen($sub)) == 0);