Vereinfachtes Laden des DataModels durch Abstraktion
<?php/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * @package log4php */require dirname(__FILE__) . '/LoggerAutoloader.php';/** * This is the central class in the log4php package. All logging operations * are done through this class. * * The main logging methods are: * <ul> * <li>{@link trace()}</li> * <li>{@link debug()}</li> * <li>{@link info()}</li> * <li>{@link warn()}</li> * <li>{@link error()}</li> * <li>{@link fatal()}</li> * </ul> * * @package log4php * @license Apache License, Version 2.0 * @version SVN: $Id: Logger.php 1395241 2012-10-07 08:28:53Z ihabunek $ * @link */class Logger { /** * Logger additivity. If set to true then child loggers will inherit * the appenders of their ancestors by default. * @var boolean */ private $additive = true; /** * The Logger's fully qualified class name. * TODO: Determine if this is useful. */ private $fqcn = 'Logger'; /** The assigned Logger level. */ private $level; /** The name of this Logger instance. */ private $name; /** The parent logger. Set to null if this is the root logger. */ private $parent; /** A collection of appenders linked to this logger. */ private $appenders = array(); /** * Constructor. * @param string $name Name of the logger. */ public function __construct($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * Returns the logger name. * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * Returns the parent Logger. Can be null if this is the root logger. * @return Logger */ public function getParent() { return $this->parent; } // ****************************************** // *** Logging methods *** // ****************************************** /** * Log a message object with the TRACE level. * * @param mixed $message message * @param Exception $throwable Optional throwable information to include * in the logging event. */ public function trace($message, $throwable = null) { $this->log(LoggerLevel::getLevelTrace(), $message, $throwable); } /** * Log a message object with the DEBUG level. * * @param mixed $message message * @param Exception $throwable Optional throwable information to include * in the logging event. */ public function debug($message, $throwable = null) { $this->log(LoggerLevel::getLevelDebug(), $message, $throwable); } /** * Log a message object with the INFO Level. * * @param mixed $message message * @param Exception $throwable Optional throwable information to include * in the logging event. */ public function info($message, $throwable = null) { $this->log(LoggerLevel::getLevelInfo(), $message, $throwable); } /** * Log a message with the WARN level. * * @param mixed $message message * @param Exception $throwable Optional throwable information to include * in the logging event. */ public function warn($message, $throwable = null) { $this->log(LoggerLevel::getLevelWarn(), $message, $throwable); } /** * Log a message object with the ERROR level. * * @param mixed $message message * @param Exception $throwable Optional throwable information to include * in the logging event. */ public function error($message, $throwable = null) { $this->log(LoggerLevel::getLevelError(), $message, $throwable); } /** * Log a message object with the FATAL level. * * @param mixed $message message * @param Exception $throwable Optional throwable information to include * in the logging event. */ public function fatal($message, $throwable = null) { $this->log(LoggerLevel::getLevelFatal(), $message, $throwable); } /** * Log a message using the provided logging level. * * @param LoggerLevel $level The logging level. * @param mixed $message Message to log. * @param Exception $throwable Optional throwable information to include * in the logging event. */ public function log(LoggerLevel $level, $message, $throwable = null) { if ($this->isEnabledFor($level)) { $event = new LoggerLoggingEvent($this->fqcn, $this, $level, $message, null, $throwable); $this->callAppenders($event); } // Forward the event upstream if additivity is turned on if (isset($this->parent) && $this->getAdditivity()) { // Use the event if already created if (isset($event)) { $this->parent->logEvent($event); } else { $this->parent->log($level, $message, $throwable); } } } /** * Logs an already prepared logging event object. * @param LoggerLoggingEvent $event */ public function logEvent(LoggerLoggingEvent $event) { if ($this->isEnabledFor($event->getLevel())) { $this->callAppenders($event); } // Forward the event upstream if additivity is turned on if (isset($this->parent) && $this->getAdditivity()) { $this->parent->logEvent($event); } } /** * If assertion parameter evaluates as false, then logs the message * using the ERROR level. * * @param bool $assertion * @param string $msg message to log */ public function assertLog($assertion = true, $msg = '') { if ($assertion == false) { $this->error($msg); } } /** * This method creates a new logging event and logs the event without * further checks. * * It should not be called directly. Use {@link trace()}, {@link debug()}, * {@link info()}, {@link warn()}, {@link error()} and {@link fatal()} * wrappers. * * @param string $fqcn Fully qualified class name of the Logger * @param Exception $throwable Optional throwable information to include * in the logging event. * @param LoggerLevel $level log level * @param mixed $message message to log */ public function forcedLog($fqcn, $throwable, LoggerLevel $level, $message) { $event = new LoggerLoggingEvent($fqcn, $this, $level, $message, null, $throwable); $this->callAppenders($event); // Forward the event upstream if additivity is turned on if (isset($this->parent) && $this->getAdditivity()) { $this->parent->logEvent($event); } } /** * Forwards the given logging event to all linked appenders. * @param LoggerLoggingEvent $event */ public function callAppenders($event) { foreach ($this->appenders as $appender) { $appender->doAppend($event); } } // ****************************************** // *** Checker methods *** // ****************************************** /** * Check whether this Logger is enabled for a given Level passed as parameter. * * @param LoggerLevel level * @return boolean */ public function isEnabledFor(LoggerLevel $level) { return $level->isGreaterOrEqual($this->getEffectiveLevel()); } /** * Check whether this Logger is enabled for the TRACE Level. * @return boolean */ public function isTraceEnabled() { return $this->isEnabledFor(LoggerLevel::getLevelTrace()); } /** * Check whether this Logger is enabled for the DEBUG Level. * @return boolean */ public function isDebugEnabled() { return $this->isEnabledFor(LoggerLevel::getLevelDebug()); } /** * Check whether this Logger is enabled for the INFO Level. * @return boolean */ public function isInfoEnabled() { return $this->isEnabledFor(LoggerLevel::getLevelInfo()); } /** * Check whether this Logger is enabled for the WARN Level. * @return boolean */ public function isWarnEnabled() { return $this->isEnabledFor(LoggerLevel::getLevelWarn()); } /** * Check whether this Logger is enabled for the ERROR Level. * @return boolean */ public function isErrorEnabled() { return $this->isEnabledFor(LoggerLevel::getLevelError()); } /** * Check whether this Logger is enabled for the FATAL Level. * @return boolean */ public function isFatalEnabled() { return $this->isEnabledFor(LoggerLevel::getLevelFatal()); } // ****************************************** // *** Configuration methods *** // ****************************************** /** * Adds a new appender to the Logger. * @param LoggerAppender $appender The appender to add. */ public function addAppender($appender) { $appenderName = $appender->getName(); $this->appenders[$appenderName] = $appender; } /** Removes all appenders from the Logger. */ public function removeAllAppenders() { foreach ($this->appenders as $name => $appender) { $this->removeAppender($name); } } /** * Remove the appender passed as parameter form the Logger. * @param mixed $appender an appender name or a {@link LoggerAppender} instance. */ public function removeAppender($appender) { if ($appender instanceof LoggerAppender) { $appender->close(); unset($this->appenders[$appender->getName()]); } else if (is_string($appender) and isset($this->appenders[$appender])) { $this->appenders[$appender]->close(); unset($this->appenders[$appender]); } } /** * Returns the appenders linked to this logger as an array. * @return array collection of appender names */ public function getAllAppenders() { return $this->appenders; } /** * Returns a linked appender by name. * @return LoggerAppender */ public function getAppender($name) { return $this->appenders[$name]; } /** * Sets the additivity flag. * @param boolean $additive */ public function setAdditivity($additive) { $this->additive = (bool)$additive; } /** * Returns the additivity flag. * @return boolean */ public function getAdditivity() { return $this->additive; } /** * Starting from this Logger, search the Logger hierarchy for a non-null level and return it. * @see LoggerLevel * @return LoggerLevel or null */ public function getEffectiveLevel() { for ($logger = $this; $logger !== null; $logger = $logger->getParent()) { if ($logger->getLevel() !== null) { return $logger->getLevel(); } } } /** * Get the assigned Logger level. * @return LoggerLevel The assigned level or null if none is assigned. */ public function getLevel() { return $this->level; } /** * Set the Logger level. * * Use LoggerLevel::getLevelXXX() methods to get a LoggerLevel object, e.g. * <code>$logger->setLevel(LoggerLevel::getLevelInfo());</code> * * @param LoggerLevel $level The level to set, or NULL to clear the logger level. */ public function setLevel(LoggerLevel $level = null) { $this->level = $level; } /** * Checks whether an appender is attached to this logger instance. * * @param LoggerAppender $appender * @return boolean */ public function isAttached(LoggerAppender $appender) { return isset($this->appenders[$appender->getName()]); } /** * Sets the parent logger. * @param Logger $logger */ public function setParent(Logger $logger) { $this->parent = $logger; } // ****************************************** // *** Static methods and properties *** // ****************************************** /** The logger hierarchy used by log4php. */ private static $hierarchy; /** Inidicates if log4php has been initialized */ private static $initialized = false; /** * Returns the hierarchy used by this Logger. * * Caution: do not use this hierarchy unless you have called initialize(). * To get Loggers, use the Logger::getLogger and Logger::getRootLogger * methods instead of operating on on the hierarchy directly. * * @return LoggerHierarchy */ public static function getHierarchy() { if (!isset(self::$hierarchy)) { self::$hierarchy = new LoggerHierarchy(new LoggerRoot()); } return self::$hierarchy; } /** * Returns a Logger by name. If it does not exist, it will be created. * * @param string $name The logger name * @return Logger */ public static function getLogger($name) { if (!self::isInitialized()) { self::configure(); } return self::getHierarchy()->getLogger($name); } /** * Returns the Root Logger. * @return LoggerRoot */ public static function getRootLogger() { if (!self::isInitialized()) { self::configure(); } return self::getHierarchy()->getRootLogger(); } /** * Clears all Logger definitions from the logger hierarchy. * @return boolean */ public static function clear() { return self::getHierarchy()->clear(); } /** * Destroy configurations for logger definitions */ public static function resetConfiguration() { self::getHierarchy()->resetConfiguration(); self::getHierarchy()->clear(); // TODO: clear or not? self::$initialized = false; } /** * Safely close all appenders. * @deprecated This is no longer necessary due the appenders shutdown via * destructors. */ public static function shutdown() { return self::getHierarchy()->shutdown(); } /** * check if a given logger exists. * * @param string $name logger name * @return boolean */ public static function exists($name) { return self::getHierarchy()->exists($name); } /** * Returns an array this whole Logger instances. * @see Logger * @return array */ public static function getCurrentLoggers() { return self::getHierarchy()->getCurrentLoggers(); } /** * Configures log4php. * * This method needs to be called before the first logging event has * occured. If this method is not called before then the default * configuration will be used. * * @param string|array $configuration Either a path to the configuration * file, or a configuration array. * * @param string|LoggerConfigurator $configurator A custom * configurator class: either a class name (string), or an object which * implements the LoggerConfigurator interface. If left empty, the default * configurator implementation will be used. */ public static function configure($configuration = null, $configurator = null) { self::resetConfiguration(); $configurator = self::getConfigurator($configurator); $configurator->configure(self::getHierarchy(), $configuration); self::$initialized = true; } /** * Creates a logger configurator instance based on the provided * configurator class. If no class is given, returns an instance of * the default configurator. * * @param string|LoggerConfigurator $configurator The configurator class * or LoggerConfigurator instance. */ private static function getConfigurator($configurator = null) { if ($configurator === null) { return new LoggerConfiguratorDefault(); } if (is_object($configurator)) { if ($configurator instanceof LoggerConfigurator) { return $configurator; } else { trigger_error("log4php: Given configurator object [$configurator] does not implement the LoggerConfigurator interface. Reverting to default configurator.", E_USER_WARNING); return new LoggerConfiguratorDefault(); } } if (is_string($configurator)) { if (!class_exists($configurator)) { trigger_error("log4php: Specified configurator class [$configurator] does not exist. Reverting to default configurator.", E_USER_WARNING); return new LoggerConfiguratorDefault(); } $instance = new $configurator(); if (!($instance instanceof LoggerConfigurator)) { trigger_error("log4php: Specified configurator class [$configurator] does not implement the LoggerConfigurator interface. Reverting to default configurator.", E_USER_WARNING); return new LoggerConfiguratorDefault(); } return $instance; } trigger_error("log4php: Invalid configurator specified. Expected either a string or a LoggerConfigurator instance. Reverting to default configurator.", E_USER_WARNING); return new LoggerConfiguratorDefault(); } /** * Returns true if the log4php framework has been initialized. * @return boolean */ private static function isInitialized() { return self::$initialized; }}