changeset 46 f11c31f7fa3e
parent 45 a56e7f9a0463
child 47 03388ec805b4
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/library/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_compile_block.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
- * Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Block
- * Compiles the {block}{/block} tags
- *
- * @package    Smarty
- * @subpackage Compiler
- * @author     Uwe Tews
- */
- * Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Block Class
- *
- * @package    Smarty
- * @subpackage Compiler
- */
-class Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block extends Smarty_Internal_CompileBase {
-    const parent = '____SMARTY_BLOCK_PARENT____';
-    /**
-     * Attribute definition: Overwrites base class.
-     *
-     * @var array
-     * @see Smarty_Internal_CompileBase
-     */
-    public $required_attributes = array('name');
-    /**
-     * Attribute definition: Overwrites base class.
-     *
-     * @var array
-     * @see Smarty_Internal_CompileBase
-     */
-    public $shorttag_order = array('name');
-    /**
-     * Attribute definition: Overwrites base class.
-     *
-     * @var array
-     * @see Smarty_Internal_CompileBase
-     */
-    public $option_flags = array('hide', 'append', 'prepend', 'nocache');
-    /**
-     * Attribute definition: Overwrites base class.
-     *
-     * @var array
-     * @see Smarty_Internal_CompileBase
-     */
-    public $optional_attributes = array('internal_file', 'internal_uid', 'internal_line');
-    /**
-     * nested child block names
-     *
-     * @var array
-     */
-    public static $nested_block_names = array();
-    /**
-     * child block source buffer
-     *
-     * @var array
-     */
-    public static $block_data = array();
-    /**
-     * Compiles code for the {block} tag
-     *
-     * @param array $args array with attributes from parser
-     * @param object $compiler compiler object
-     *
-     * @return boolean true
-     */
-    public function compile($args, $compiler) {
-        // check and get attributes
-        $_attr = $this->getAttributes($compiler, $args);
-        $_name = trim($_attr['name'], "\"'");
-        // existing child must override parent settings
-        if (isset($compiler->template->block_data[$_name]) && $compiler->template->block_data[$_name]['mode'] == 'replace') {
-            $_attr['append'] = false;
-            $_attr['prepend'] = false;
-        }
-        // check if we process an inheritance child template
-        if ($compiler->inheritance_child) {
-            array_unshift(self::$nested_block_names, $_name);
-            // build {block} for child block
-            self::$block_data[$_name]['source'] =
-                "{$compiler->smarty->left_delimiter}private_child_block name={$_attr['name']} file='{$compiler->template->source->filepath}' type='{$compiler->template->source->type}' resource='{$compiler->template->template_resource}'" .
-                " uid='{$compiler->template->source->uid}' line={$compiler->lex->line}";
-            if ($_attr['nocache']) {
-                self::$block_data[$_name]['source'] .= ' nocache';
-            }
-            self::$block_data[$_name]['source'] .= $compiler->smarty->right_delimiter;
-            $save = array($_attr, $compiler->inheritance);
-            $this->openTag($compiler, 'block', $save);
-            // set flag for {block} tag
-            $compiler->inheritance = true;
-            $compiler->lex->yypushstate(Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer::CHILDBLOCK);
-            $compiler->has_code = false;
-            return;
-        }
-        // must merge includes
-        if ($_attr['nocache'] == true) {
-            $compiler->tag_nocache = true;
-        }
-        $save = array($_attr, $compiler->inheritance, $compiler->parser->current_buffer, $compiler->nocache);
-        $this->openTag($compiler, 'block', $save);
-        $compiler->inheritance = true;
-        $compiler->nocache = $compiler->nocache | $compiler->tag_nocache;
-        $compiler->parser->current_buffer = new Smarty_Internal_ParseTree_Template($compiler->parser);
-        $compiler->has_code = false;
-        return true;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compile saved child block source
-     *
-     * @param object $compiler compiler object
-     * @param string $_name optional name of child block
-     *
-     * @return string   compiled code of child block
-     */
-    static function compileChildBlock($compiler, $_name = null) {
-        if ($compiler->inheritance_child) {
-            $name1 = Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$nested_block_names[0];
-            if (isset($compiler->template->block_data[$name1])) {
-                //  replace inner block name with generic
-                Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$block_data[$name1]['source'] .= $compiler->template->block_data[$name1]['source'];
-                Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$block_data[$name1]['child'] = true;
-            }
-            $compiler->lex->yypushstate(Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer::CHILDBLOCK);
-            $compiler->has_code = false;
-            return;
-        }
-        // if called by {$smarty.block.child} we must search the name of enclosing {block}
-        if ($_name == null) {
-            $stack_count = count($compiler->_tag_stack);
-            while (--$stack_count >= 0) {
-                if ($compiler->_tag_stack[$stack_count][0] == 'block') {
-                    $_name = trim($compiler->_tag_stack[$stack_count][1][0]['name'], "\"'");
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if ($_name == null) {
-            $compiler->trigger_template_error(' tag {$smarty.block.child} used outside {block} tags ', $compiler->lex->taglineno);
-        }
-        // undefined child?
-        if (!isset($compiler->template->block_data[$_name]['source'])) {
-            $compiler->popTrace();
-            return '';
-        }
-        // flag that child is already compile by {$smarty.block.child} inclusion
-        $compiler->template->block_data[$_name]['compiled'] = true;
-        $_tpl = new Smarty_Internal_template('string:' . $compiler->template->block_data[$_name]['source'], $compiler->smarty, $compiler->template, $compiler->template->cache_id,
-            $compiler->template->compile_id, $compiler->template->caching, $compiler->template->cache_lifetime);
-        if ($compiler->smarty->debugging) {
-            Smarty_Internal_Debug::ignore($_tpl);
-        }
-        $_tpl->tpl_vars = $compiler->template->tpl_vars;
-        $_tpl->variable_filters = $compiler->template->variable_filters;
-        $_tpl->properties['nocache_hash'] = $compiler->template->properties['nocache_hash'];
-        $_tpl->allow_relative_path = true;
-        $_tpl->compiler->inheritance = true;
-        $_tpl->compiler->suppressHeader = true;
-        $_tpl->compiler->suppressFilter = true;
-        $_tpl->compiler->suppressTemplatePropertyHeader = true;
-        $nocache = $compiler->nocache || $compiler->tag_nocache;
-        if (strpos($compiler->template->block_data[$_name]['source'], self::parent) !== false) {
-            $_output = str_replace(self::parent, $compiler->parser->current_buffer->to_smarty_php(), $_tpl->compiler->compileTemplate($_tpl, $nocache, $compiler->parent_compiler));
-        } elseif ($compiler->template->block_data[$_name]['mode'] == 'prepend') {
-            $_output = $_tpl->compiler->compileTemplate($_tpl, $nocache, $compiler->parent_compiler) . $compiler->parser->current_buffer->to_smarty_php();
-        } elseif ($compiler->template->block_data[$_name]['mode'] == 'append') {
-            $_output = $compiler->parser->current_buffer->to_smarty_php() . $_tpl->compiler->compileTemplate($_tpl, $nocache, $compiler->parent_compiler);
-        } elseif (!empty($compiler->template->block_data[$_name])) {
-            $_output = $_tpl->compiler->compileTemplate($_tpl, $nocache, $compiler->parent_compiler);
-        }
-        $compiler->template->properties['file_dependency'] = array_merge($compiler->template->properties['file_dependency'], $_tpl->properties['file_dependency']);
-        $compiler->template->properties['tpl_function'] = array_merge($compiler->template->properties['tpl_function'], $_tpl->properties['tpl_function']);
-        $compiler->template->variable_filters = $_tpl->variable_filters;
-        if ($_tpl->has_nocache_code) {
-            $compiler->template->has_nocache_code = true;
-        }
-        foreach ($_tpl->required_plugins as $key => $tmp1) {
-            if ($compiler->nocache && $compiler->template->caching) {
-                $code = 'nocache';
-            } else {
-                $code = $key;
-            }
-            foreach ($tmp1 as $name => $tmp) {
-                foreach ($tmp as $type => $data) {
-                    $compiler->template->required_plugins[$code][$name][$type] = $data;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        unset($_tpl);
-        $compiler->has_code = true;
-        return $_output;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compile $smarty.block.parent
-     *
-     * @param object $compiler compiler object
-     * @param string $_name optional name of child block
-     *
-     * @return string   compiled code of child block
-     */
-    static function compileParentBlock($compiler, $_name = null) {
-        // if called by {$smarty.block.parent} we must search the name of enclosing {block}
-        if ($_name == null) {
-            $stack_count = count($compiler->_tag_stack);
-            while (--$stack_count >= 0) {
-                if ($compiler->_tag_stack[$stack_count][0] == 'block') {
-                    $_name = trim($compiler->_tag_stack[$stack_count][1][0]['name'], "\"'");
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if ($_name == null) {
-            $compiler->trigger_template_error(' tag {$smarty.block.parent} used outside {block} tags ', $compiler->lex->taglineno);
-        }
-        if (empty(Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$nested_block_names)) {
-            $compiler->trigger_template_error(' illegal {$smarty.block.parent} in parent template ', $compiler->lex->taglineno);
-        }
-        Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$block_data[Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$nested_block_names[0]]['source'] .= Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::parent;
-        $compiler->lex->yypushstate(Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer::CHILDBLOCK);
-        $compiler->has_code = false;
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Process block source
-     *
-     * @param        $compiler
-     * @param string $source source text
-     */
-    static function blockSource($compiler, $source) {
-        Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$block_data[Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$nested_block_names[0]]['source'] .= $source;
-    }
- * Smarty Internal Plugin Compile BlockClose Class
- *
- * @package    Smarty
- * @subpackage Compiler
- */
-class Smarty_Internal_Compile_Blockclose extends Smarty_Internal_CompileBase {
-    /**
-     * Compiles code for the {/block} tag
-     *
-     * @param array $args array with attributes from parser
-     * @param object $compiler compiler object
-     *
-     * @return string compiled code
-     */
-    public function compile($args, $compiler) {
-        $compiler->has_code = true;
-        // check and get attributes
-        $_attr = $this->getAttributes($compiler, $args);
-        $saved_data = $this->closeTag($compiler, array('block'));
-        $_name = trim($saved_data[0]['name'], "\"'");
-        // reset flag for {block} tag
-        $compiler->inheritance = $saved_data[1];
-        // check if we process an inheritance child template
-        if ($compiler->inheritance_child) {
-            $name1 = Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$nested_block_names[0];
-            Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$block_data[$name1]['source'] .= "{$compiler->smarty->left_delimiter}/private_child_block{$compiler->smarty->right_delimiter}";
-            array_shift(Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$nested_block_names);
-            if (!empty(Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$nested_block_names)) {
-                $name2 = Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$nested_block_names[0];
-                if (isset($compiler->template->block_data[$name1]) || !$saved_data[0]['hide']) {
-                    if (isset(Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$block_data[$name1]['child']) || !isset($compiler->template->block_data[$name1])) {
-                        Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$block_data[$name2]['source'] .= Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$block_data[$name1]['source'];
-                    } else {
-                        if ($compiler->template->block_data[$name1]['mode'] == 'append') {
-                            Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$block_data[$name2]['source'] .= Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$block_data[$name1]['source'] . $compiler->template->block_data[$name1]['source'];
-                        } elseif ($compiler->template->block_data[$name1]['mode'] == 'prepend') {
-                            Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$block_data[$name2]['source'] .= $compiler->template->block_data[$name1]['source'] . Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$block_data[$name1]['source'];
-                        } else {
-                            Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$block_data[$name2]['source'] .= $compiler->template->block_data[$name1]['source'];
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                unset(Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$block_data[$name1]);
-                $compiler->lex->yypushstate(Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer::CHILDBLOCK);
-            } else {
-                if (isset($compiler->template->block_data[$name1]) || !$saved_data[0]['hide']) {
-                    if (isset($compiler->template->block_data[$name1]) && !isset(Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$block_data[$name1]['child'])) {
-                        if (strpos($compiler->template->block_data[$name1]['source'], Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::parent) !== false) {
-                            $compiler->template->block_data[$name1]['source'] =
-                                str_replace(Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::parent, Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$block_data[$name1]['source'], $compiler->template->block_data[$name1]['source']);
-                        } elseif ($compiler->template->block_data[$name1]['mode'] == 'prepend') {
-                            $compiler->template->block_data[$name1]['source'] .= Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$block_data[$name1]['source'];
-                        } elseif ($compiler->template->block_data[$name1]['mode'] == 'append') {
-                            $compiler->template->block_data[$name1]['source'] = Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$block_data[$name1]['source'] . $compiler->template->block_data[$name1]['source'];
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        $compiler->template->block_data[$name1]['source'] = Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$block_data[$name1]['source'];
-                    }
-                    $compiler->template->block_data[$name1]['mode'] = 'replace';
-                    if ($saved_data[0]['append']) {
-                        $compiler->template->block_data[$name1]['mode'] = 'append';
-                    }
-                    if ($saved_data[0]['prepend']) {
-                        $compiler->template->block_data[$name1]['mode'] = 'prepend';
-                    }
-                }
-                unset(Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::$block_data[$name1]);
-                $compiler->lex->yypushstate(Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer::CHILDBODY);
-            }
-            $compiler->has_code = false;
-            return;
-        }
-        if (isset($compiler->template->block_data[$_name]) && !isset($compiler->template->block_data[$_name]['compiled'])) {
-            $_output = Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::compileChildBlock($compiler, $_name);
-        } else {
-            if ($saved_data[0]['hide'] && !isset($compiler->template->block_data[$_name]['source'])) {
-                $_output = '';
-            } else {
-                $_output = $compiler->parser->current_buffer->to_smarty_php();
-            }
-        }
-        if (isset($compiler->template->block_data[$_name]['compiled'])) {
-            unset($compiler->template->block_data[$_name]['compiled']);
-        }
-        // reset flags
-        $compiler->parser->current_buffer = $saved_data[2];
-        if ($compiler->nocache) {
-            $compiler->tag_nocache = true;
-        }
-        $compiler->nocache = $saved_data[3];
-        // $_output content has already nocache code processed
-        $compiler->suppressNocacheProcessing = true;
-        return $_output;
-    }
- * Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Child Block Class
- *
- * @package    Smarty
- * @subpackage Compiler
- */
-class Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Child_Block extends Smarty_Internal_CompileBase {
-    /**
-     * Attribute definition: Overwrites base class.
-     *
-     * @var array
-     * @see Smarty_Internal_CompileBase
-     */
-    public $required_attributes = array('name', 'file', 'uid', 'line', 'type', 'resource');
-    /**
-     * Compiles code for the {private_child_block} tag
-     *
-     * @param array $args array with attributes from parser
-     * @param object $compiler compiler object
-     *
-     * @return boolean true
-     */
-    public function compile($args, $compiler) {
-        // check and get attributes
-        $_attr = $this->getAttributes($compiler, $args);
-        // update template with original template resource of {block}
-        if (trim($_attr['type'], "'") == 'file') {
-            $compiler->template->template_resource = 'file:' . realpath(trim($_attr['file'], "'"));
-        } else {
-            $compiler->template->template_resource = trim($_attr['resource'], "'");
-        }
-        // source object
-        unset ($compiler->template->source);
-        $exists = $compiler->template->source->exists;
-        // must merge includes
-        if ($_attr['nocache'] == true) {
-            $compiler->tag_nocache = true;
-        }
-        $save = array($_attr, $compiler->nocache);
-        // set trace back to child block
-        $compiler->pushTrace(trim($_attr['file'], "\"'"), trim($_attr['uid'], "\"'"), $_attr['line'] - $compiler->lex->line);
-        $this->openTag($compiler, 'private_child_block', $save);
-        $compiler->nocache = $compiler->nocache | $compiler->tag_nocache;
-        $compiler->has_code = false;
-        return true;
-    }
- * Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Child Block Close Class
- *
- * @package    Smarty
- * @subpackage Compiler
- */
-class Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Child_Blockclose extends Smarty_Internal_CompileBase {
-    /**
-     * Compiles code for the {/private_child_block} tag
-     *
-     * @param array $args array with attributes from parser
-     * @param object $compiler compiler object
-     *
-     * @return boolean true
-     */
-    public function compile($args, $compiler) {
-        // check and get attributes
-        $_attr = $this->getAttributes($compiler, $args);
-        $saved_data = $this->closeTag($compiler, array('private_child_block'));
-        // end of child block
-        $compiler->popTrace();
-        $compiler->nocache = $saved_data[1];
-        $compiler->has_code = false;
-        return true;
-    }