changeset 46 f11c31f7fa3e
parent 45 a56e7f9a0463
child 47 03388ec805b4
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/library/smarty/NEW_FEATURES.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-This file contains a brief description of new features which have been added to Smarty 3.1
-Smarty 3.1.22
-    Namespace support within templates
-    ==================================
-    Within templates you can now use namespace specifications on:
-     - Constants                like    foo\bar\FOO
-     - Class names              like    foo\bar\Baz::FOO, foo\bar\Baz::$foo, foo\bar\Baz::foo()
-     - PHP function names       like    foo\bar\baz()
-    Security
-    ========
-    - disable special $smarty variable -
-    The Smarty_Security class has the new property $disabled_special_smarty_vars.
-    It's an array which can be loaded with the $smarty special variable names like
-    'template_object', 'template', 'current_dir' and others which will be disabled.
-    Note: That this security check is performed at compile time.
-    - limit template nesting -
-    Property $max_template_nesting of Smarty_Security does set the maximum template nesting level.
-    The main template is level 1. The nesting level is checked at run time. When the maximum will be exceeded
-    an Exception will be thrown. The default setting is 0 which does disable this check.
-    - trusted static methods -
-   The Smarty_Security class has the new property $trusted_static_methods to restrict access to static methods.
-   It's an nested array of trusted class and method names.
-         Format:
-         array (
-                    'class_1' => array('method_1', 'method_2'), // allowed methods
-                    'class_2' => array(),                       // all methods of class allowed
-               )
-   To disable access for all methods of all classes set $trusted_static_methods = null;
-   The default value is an empty array() which does enables all methods of all classes, but for backward compatibility
-   the setting of $static_classes will be checked.
-   Note: That this security check is performed at compile time.
-    - trusted static properties -
-   The Smarty_Security class has the new property $trusted_static_properties to restrict access to static properties.
-   It's an nested array of trusted class and property names.
-         Format:
-         array (
-                    'class_1' => array('prop_1', 'prop_2'), // allowed properties listed
-                    'class_2' => array(),                   // all properties of class allowed
-                }
-   To disable access for all properties of all classes set $trusted_static_properties = null;
-   The default value is an empty array() which does enables all properties of all classes, but for backward compatibility
-   the setting of $static_classes will be checked.
-   Note: That this security check is performed at compile time.
-    - trusted constants .
-   The Smarty_Security class has the new property $trusted_constants to restrict access to constants.
-   It's an array of trusted constant names.
-         Format:
-         array (
-                    'SMARTY_DIR' , // allowed constant
-                }
-   If the array is empty (default) the usage of constants  can be controlled with the
-   Smarty_Security::$allow_constants property (default true)
-    Compiled Templates
-    ==================
-    Smarty does now automatically detects a change of the $merge_compiled_includes and $escape_html
-    property and creates different compiled templates files depending on the setting.
-    Same applies to config files and the $config_overwrite, $config_booleanize and
-    $config_read_hidden properties.
-    Debugging
-    =========
-    The layout of the debug window has been changed for better readability
-    New class constants
-        Smarty::DEBUG_OFF
-        Smarty::DEBUG_ON
-        Smarty::DEBUG_INDIVIDUAL
-    have been introduced for setting the $debugging property.
-    Smarty::DEBUG_INDIVIDUAL will create for each display() and fetch() call an individual gebug window.
-    .
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