changeset 0 4869aea77e21
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/log4php/xml/log4php.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+        <!--
+         Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+         contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+         this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+         The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+         (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+         the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+         distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+         WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+         See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+         limitations under the License.
+         -->
+        <!-- Authors: Chris Taylor, Ceki Gülcü. -->
+        <!-- Version: 1.2 -->
+        <!-- PHP Port Modifications Author: Marco Vassura -->
+        <!-- PHP dtd Version: $Revision: 823875 $ -->
+        <!-- A configuration element consists of optional renderer
+        elements,appender elements, categories and an optional root
+        element. -->
+        <!-- [log4php] -->
+        <!--
+            category instead of logger cannot be used. categoryFactory is not implemented in log4php.
+        -->
+        <!-- [/log4php] -->
+        <!ELEMENT log4php:configuration (renderer*, appender*,(logger)*,root?)>
+        <!-- The "threshold" attribute takes a level value such that all -->
+        <!-- logging statements with a level equal or below this value are -->
+        <!-- disabled. -->
+        <!-- Setting the "debug" enable the printing of internal log4j logging   -->
+        <!-- statements.                                                         -->
+        <!-- By default, debug attribute is "null", meaning that we not do touch -->
+        <!-- internal log4j logging settings. The "null" value for the threshold -->
+        <!-- attribute can be misleading. The threshold field of a repository    -->
+        <!-- cannot be set to null. The "null" value for the threshold attribute -->
+        <!-- simply means don't touch the threshold field, the threshold field   -->
+        <!-- keeps its old value.                                                -->
+        <!ATTLIST log4php:configuration
+                xmlns:log4php            CDATA #FIXED ""
+                threshold                (all|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|off|null) "null"
+                >
+        <!-- renderer elements allow the user to customize the conversion of  -->
+        <!-- message objects to String.                                       -->
+        <!ELEMENT renderer EMPTY>
+        <!ATTLIST renderer
+                renderedClass  CDATA #REQUIRED
+                renderingClass CDATA #REQUIRED
+                >
+        <!-- Appenders must have a name and a class. -->
+        <!-- Appenders may contain an error handler, a layout, optional parameters -->
+        <!-- and filters. They may also reference (or include) other appenders. -->
+        <!-- [log4php] -->
+        <!-- error handler tag has no effects since log4php does not handle errors. Defintion deleted. -->
+        <!-- [/log4php] -->
+        <!ELEMENT appender (param*, layout?, filter*, appender-ref*)>
+        <!ATTLIST appender
+                name      ID  #REQUIRED
+                class     CDATA   #REQUIRED
+                >
+        <!ELEMENT layout (param*)>
+        <!ATTLIST layout
+                class     CDATA   #REQUIRED
+                >
+        <!ELEMENT filter (param*)>
+        <!ATTLIST filter
+                class     CDATA   #REQUIRED
+                >
+        <!ELEMENT param EMPTY>
+        <!ATTLIST param
+                name      CDATA   #REQUIRED
+                value     CDATA   #REQUIRED
+                >
+        <!ELEMENT priority EMPTY>
+        <!ATTLIST priority
+                value   CDATA #REQUIRED
+                >
+        <!ELEMENT level EMPTY>
+        <!ATTLIST level
+                value   CDATA #REQUIRED
+                >
+        <!-- If no level element is specified, then the configurator MUST not -->
+        <!-- touch the level of the named logger. -->
+        <!ELEMENT logger (level?,appender-ref*)>
+        <!ATTLIST logger
+                name      ID  #REQUIRED
+                additivity    (true|false) "true"
+                >
+        <!ELEMENT appender-ref EMPTY>
+        <!ATTLIST appender-ref
+                ref IDREF #REQUIRED
+                >
+        <!-- If no priority element is specified, then the configurator MUST not -->
+        <!-- touch the priority of root. -->
+        <!-- The root category always exists and cannot be subclassed. -->
+        <!ELEMENT root (param*, (priority|level)?, appender-ref*)>
+        <!-- ==================================================================== -->
+        <!--                       A logging event                                -->
+        <!-- ==================================================================== -->
+        <!ELEMENT log4php:eventSet (log4php:event*)>
+        <!ATTLIST log4php:eventSet
+                xmlns:log4php          CDATA #FIXED ""
+                version                (0.2|0.3) "0.3"
+                includesLocationInfo   (true|false) "true"
+                >
+        <!ELEMENT log4php:event (log4php:message, log4php:locationInfo?) >
+        <!-- The timestamp format is application dependent. -->
+        <!ATTLIST log4php:event
+                logger     CDATA #REQUIRED
+                level      CDATA #REQUIRED
+                thread     CDATA #REQUIRED
+                timestamp  CDATA #REQUIRED
+                >
+        <!ELEMENT log4php:message (#PCDATA)>
+        <!ELEMENT log4php:NDC (#PCDATA)>
+        <!ELEMENT log4php:locationInfo EMPTY>
+        <!ATTLIST log4php:locationInfo
+                class  CDATA  #REQUIRED
+                method CDATA  #REQUIRED
+                file   CDATA  #REQUIRED
+                line   CDATA  #REQUIRED
+                >