2010-12-17 ArrayList replaces Vector master remote/master
Markus Bröker <mbroeker@largo.homelinux.org> [Fri, 17 Dec 2010 22:44:27 +0100] rev 15
ArrayList replaces Vector
2010-12-17 serialVersionUID starts with 1L...
Markus Bröker <mbroeker@largo.homelinux.org> [Fri, 17 Dec 2010 22:33:17 +0100] rev 14
serialVersionUID starts with 1L...
2010-12-17 Source Code re-formatted
Markus Bröker <mbroeker@largo.homelinux.org> [Fri, 17 Dec 2010 22:30:33 +0100] rev 13
Source Code re-formatted
2010-12-17 A JPanel instead of a Canvas reduces the flickering.
Markus Bröker <mbroeker@largo.homelinux.org> [Fri, 17 Dec 2010 16:56:54 +0100] rev 12
A JPanel instead of a Canvas reduces the flickering. Thanks to JavaDev for this improvement!
2010-08-07 Constants and comments, nothing big
Markus Brökers <mbroeker@largo.homelinux.org> [Sat, 07 Aug 2010 16:22:58 +0200] rev 11
Constants and comments, nothing big
2010-08-07 common gitignore for all git projects
Markus Brökers <mbroeker@largo.homelinux.org> [Sat, 07 Aug 2010 16:21:03 +0200] rev 10
common gitignore for all git projects
2009-05-13 ant build file improved
Markus Bröker <mbroeker@largo.homelinux.org> [Wed, 13 May 2009 14:08:44 +0200] rev 9
ant build file improved this will be the default build file for all my java projects
2009-05-12 NEW SSL Certificate
Markus Bröker <mbroeker@largo.homelinux.org> [Tue, 12 May 2009 21:20:30 +0200] rev 8
NEW SSL Certificate
2009-05-10 Class Variables have default values via default
Markus Bröker <mbroeker@largo.homelinux.org> [Sun, 10 May 2009 16:04:42 +0200] rev 7
Class Variables have default values via default A class variable is initialized via default, it doesn't need explicit initialization
2009-05-10 Default Ant Rule for cleanup
Markus Bröker <mbroeker@largo.homelinux.org> [Sun, 10 May 2009 16:03:48 +0200] rev 6
Default Ant Rule for cleanup Erase all temporarly files in the project folder
2009-02-08 Platform Independend Newlines
Markus Bröker <mbroeker@largo.homelinux.org> [Sun, 08 Feb 2009 07:47:39 +0100] rev 5
Platform Independend Newlines Java uses %n for platform independend newlines \r\n on windows, \n on linux and so on...
2008-12-13 if clauses: If it rains i will take an umbrella...
Markus Bröker <mbroeker@largo.homelinux.org> [Sat, 13 Dec 2008 13:41:38 +0100] rev 4
if clauses: If it rains i will take an umbrella...
2008-12-13 If clauses and passive are horrible.
Markus Bröker <mbroeker@largo.homelinux.org> [Sat, 13 Dec 2008 13:41:38 +0100] rev 3
If clauses and passive are horrible.
2008-12-13 I changed the ant rule for javadoc.
Markus Bröker <mbroeker@largo.homelinux.org> [Sat, 13 Dec 2008 13:41:36 +0100] rev 2
I changed the ant rule for javadoc.
2008-12-13 URL moved to the git location
Markus Bröker <mbroeker@largo.homelinux.org> [Sat, 13 Dec 2008 13:41:26 +0100] rev 1
URL moved to the git location
2008-12-13 svn copy of the chess engine
Markus Bröker <mbroeker@largo.homelinux.org> [Sat, 13 Dec 2008 13:40:43 +0100] rev 0
svn copy of the chess engine
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