* $Id: KIBoard.java 144 2008-04-25 13:09:35Z mbroeker $
* $URL: http://localhost/svn/eclipse/Schachspiel/trunk/org/homelinux/largo/checkers/KIBoard.java $
package org.homelinux.largo.checkers;
import org.homelinux.largo.games.board.Move;
import org.homelinux.largo.games.board.checkersboard.CheckersBoard;
public class KIBoard extends CheckersBoard {
static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
static final int game_const = 500;
protected boolean SIMU_DEBUG = false;
private boolean negate_estimation = false;
private Move bestMove;
private int desired_depth;
public KIBoard(int w, int h) {
super(w, h);
desired_depth = -1;
* Set the current DEBUG-Level: simu: print all valid, simulated moves undo:
* print all undos
public void setDebug(boolean simu, boolean undo) {
SIMU_DEBUG = simu;
UNDO_DEBUG = undo;
public boolean simu_debug() {
return SIMU_DEBUG;
public boolean undo_debug() {
return UNDO_DEBUG;
* This function flips the sides: Player A maximizes and Player B minimizes
public void negateEstimation(boolean b) {
negate_estimation = b;
* The Minimax-Algorithm works for TWO-PLAYER Games Player A minimizes,
* Player B maximizes
public int estimateFunction() {
int i;
int white = 0;
int black = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
if (isWhite(i))
white += getValue(i);
if (isBlack(i))
black += getValue(i);
* solves ticket #3
if (negate_estimation)
return white - black;
return black - white;
* simulates and returns the next possible move for a Player or null, when
* no more moves are possible. The Turn will flip automatically if
* "simulate(...)" finds a valid move.
Move simulate(int t, int o) {
Move move = null;
int value;
if (validTurn(o)) {
while (t < 64) {
if (!simulateMove(t, o)) {
value = estimateFunction();
move = new Move(value, t, o);
/* Flip Sides */
return move;
return null;
* AlphaBeta-Algorithm: the Maximizer
int max_alpha_beta(int depth, int alpha, int beta) {
int moveValue;
int o, t;
Move move = null;
if (desired_depth == -1)
desired_depth = depth;
for (o = 0; o < 64; o++) {
t = 0;
while ((move = simulate(t, o)) != null) {
/* particular move from black */
t = move.target;
if (depth == 0 || Math.abs(move.value) > game_const)
moveValue = move.value;
/* best next move */
moveValue = min_alpha_beta(depth - 1, alpha, beta);
if (moveValue >= beta)
return beta;
if (moveValue > alpha) {
alpha = moveValue;
if (depth == desired_depth)
bestMove = move;
return alpha;
* AlphaBeta-Algorithm: the Minimizer
int min_alpha_beta(int depth, int alpha, int beta) {
int moveValue;
int o, t;
Move move = null;
for (o = 0; o < 64; o++) {
t = 0;
while ((move = simulate(t, o)) != null) {
/* particular move from white */
t = move.target;
if (depth == 0 || Math.abs(move.value) > game_const)
moveValue = move.value;
/* best next move */
moveValue = max_alpha_beta(depth - 1, alpha, beta);
if (moveValue <= alpha)
return alpha;
if (moveValue < beta)
beta = moveValue;
return beta;
* Evaluates the next, best Move after search_depth half-moves. When the
* Machine has Black, set negateEstimation(false); When the Machine has
* White, set negateEstimation(true);
public boolean doBestMove(int search_depth) {
int value;
desired_depth = -1;
bestMove = null;
value = max_alpha_beta(search_depth, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
if (bestMove == null) {
System.err.println("Computing once more...");
value = max_alpha_beta(1, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
if (bestMove == null) {
System.out.println("Finito " + value);
return false;
if (doMove(bestMove.target, bestMove.origin)) {
System.out.println("Next Move");
return true;
return false;